This all started when I read the highly enjoyable and immensely clever Jasper Fford's "Thursday Next" series. "The Eyre Affair" is on my top 10 favorite reads of all times! While Jasper Fforde is NOT a "chick-lit" author his books do sit right next to Katie Fforde in the library and while searching for, and neglecting to find, a Jasper I grabbed a Katie instead. Delightful!

I know, I know, I've heard all the arguments and to you I say, "so!"
Predictable? Only in the best way. I would be furious if the main character died because my lovely British friends suddenly decided that they were going to be deep and shadowy.
Light? Only in the best way. The characters are real (well you know fictional but real-ish) and deal with all the wonderful mucky stuff of life, but no...these books are not dark, or heavy or whatever the opposite of light is.
Unrealistic? Only in the best way. Um, hello....that's why I'm reading them, I've got real in spades all day long, who needs more of that!
Besides, I like to figure out the words that are different from our American ones. For example
- Agas: Some sort of stove which may or may not be quite like our old wood/coal burning stoves
- Biscuits: Cookies (usually popping out of tins!)
- Jumper: I can never remember if they are a sweater or sweatshirt, but one definitely needs one when it's cold out!
- Wellies: Rain boots
- Bin: Trashcan
- Boot: Trunk of the car
- Plaster: Band-aid
- Tea: Well Okay tea is tea, but they drink it a lot!

Anyway I just finished Good Husband Material by Trisha Ashley. It was lovely and delightful and fun. Everything one wants in their guilty reading.

Enjoy, and don't feel guilty!